Attendance & Punctuality

We want all children to achieve 96% attendance and above 

At Balby Central, we believe that high levels of attendance and a punctual start to the school day are important for all children.  Promoting excellent attendance is the responsibility of the whole school community: staff, pupils, parents, carers and governors.

The school consistently promotes excellent attendance through its high expectations in pupil behaviour, attitudes towards learning and through the stimulating curriculum.  The school runs regular attendance incentives, they praise and reward children in assemblies to recognise and role model what good attendance looks like as well as congratulate punctuality.

How we monitor and improve attendance at Balby Central:



Moments matter.jpg

Being On Time

It is important for children to arrive at school on time and regularly so they are able to learn, build friendship and relationships and have good, well established routines. Just 10 minutes late can have a big impact on your child’s learning and social development.

The School Day

  • School gates open at 8:35am
  • Doors open at 8:40am
  • Gates close at 8:50am
  • You are now late at 8:51am
  • Gates open to collect children at 3:10pm
  • School day finishes at 3:15pm
  • 3:25pm school gates close and children being picked up late must be collected from reception.

If you are consistently late in a morning, you can expect an early bird phone call at 8:00am every day, a morning and bedtimes routine pack or an alarm clock and batteries to ensure you arrive on time.


We understand that there will be times when your child is unable to come to school. If this is the case, please contact the office by 9:30am clearly stating the reason your child will not be in school.  You can contact us via email –, calling 01302 321914 and leaving a voicemail on option 3 or calling 01302 321914 and speaking to a member of our team.

If your child is not in school and we have not heard from you we will:

  • Send you a text - if we still have no contact from you
  • Call you – if we still have no contact from you
  • Visit your home

If your child requires a leave of absence request form please collect one from the main office.  These forms should be completed for when a child will be absent due to going on holiday during term time.  We follow Doncaster Council’s guidance for holidays during term time and you will receive a decision of your request in writing.

We can offer support to a family if a child’s attendance and punctuality becomes a concern.  We can signpost you or your child to other professionals who may be able to offer further support; Mrs Wiltshire and Miss Parker are our Child and Family Support Practitioners and are always here to offer advice, help with routines and discuss any concerns you may have.

If after receiving letters or phone calls your child’s attendance does not improve the following steps will be taken; you will be invited in for a meeting and your child will be put onto an Attendance Support Plan – here we will discuss ways to remove and overcome any barriers that you or your child may be facing which is preventing them from attending school regularly and on time.  If after addressing concerns and offering support your child’s attendance does not improve you could be fined and Doncaster Council will become involved.   We work closely with Education Welfare Officers and Doncaster City Council to monitor attendance with the Education Welfare Team and their procedures. More information, guidance and support can be found on the Doncaster City Council website. 

Our team are always happy to discuss and meet with you to talk through any concerns or questions you may have as well as offer strategies of support.

For more information, please click on the links 

Attendance and Pupil Welfare Service

Children Missing Education

Working together to improve school attendance

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Balby Central Primary Academy

Littlemoor Lane, Balby Doncaster DN4 0LL

Balby Central Primary Academy, Littlemoor Lane, Balby Doncaster DN4 0LL


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