Vision, Ethos and Values
Balby Central Primary Academy
Learning is a journey; we aim for all our children to thrive and become the best versions of themselves
Our Vision - what we want to achieve
Every child in our school is unique and our vision in 'shaping lives and building futures to be the best we can be', is driven by research, knowledge and an understanding of individual needs. We pride ourselves on our strong inclusive ethos and rich cultural diversity which celebrates each child’s uniqueness and individuality. It is our belief that everyone should have the opportunity to reach their full potential, with opportunities to develop as self-learners, critical thinkers and to become independently minded. We recognise the importance of building from firm foundations to ensure learners are using their knowledge, skills and abilities to be ambitious about what they can achieve.
Our Ethos - what our child will experience
At the core of our work, is high quality teaching; where each team member is recognised as a leader of learning delivering a curriculum that is accessible to all. Each aspect of the curriculum focuses on quality teaching and child centred learning to encourage our children from an early age to become independent, achieve well and make good progress. We believe every child should be given the opportunity to succeed, to be the best they can be and to have a positive impact on the community now and in the future. The links we create and drive with our parents, governors and the local community are essential to achieve the aspirational goals we have for our children.
We pride ourselves that Balby Central is a friendly, welcoming school with an environment that stimulates the mind, celebrates learning and which supports rich learning experiences. A team ethos is important to our values from the moment that we greet our school community on the school gate each morning to our celebration of learning and achievements at the end of each day. We enable children to recognise and manage their feelings, with strategies, approaches and techniques used so they are ready to learn and access the curriculum. We teach children that good manners are an important part in respecting others, as are our actions and words. We have high expectations of learning and behaviour as we encourage all children ‘to be the best they can be’ ensuring they are ready for the world ahead and the changes that they will face as they grow and learn. Our vision is embedded in building confidence, self-esteem and a thirst to increase knowledge, where children can be proud of themselves and the informed choices they learn to make. We celebrate learning and achievements with a clear purpose, for individuals to acknowlege achievements, for others in the school community to recognise success and in a wider world through the school website, social media and education platforms.
Our Values - what positively influences our behaviour and the way we interact with individuals, groups and communities
We believe our children, families and the school team should be valued and we respect and appreciate the diversity they bring to our school community. We strive to foster positive relationships and a shared sense of belonging as we challenge any inequalities or barriers that exist. Everyone is expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and encourage others to do the same. We drive standards so that all children can access learning and have opportunity to develop curiosity to be the best. We want all children to feel pride in themselves, the school and their community with a strong sense to achieve.
Our children learn about ready, respectful, safe behaviours and how they can make a difference to themselves and others in the school community and beyond. We value the links we make with parents, governors and the local community and believe they are essential to achieve the aspirational goals we have for our children and their futures.
We are are committed to providing opportunities for children to explore their own culture and to have a clear understanding and appreciation of culturalinfluences that have shaped modern Britain today. Our core belief is underpinned by ‘respect’ – respect for ourselves, respect for each other, respect for the environment and to understand how we show respect and tolerance for different faiths, beliefs and systems. We are a school for all.
British Values
We see British Values as underpinning what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Britain. They allow us to create environments which are free from discrimination, intolerance and hate. They help us to challenge prejudice and stereotyping, whilst strengthening relationships within the community. We want our children to leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain
- Children have opportunity to have their voices heard with our Pupil Voice and discussion focused on democratic processes and to influence decisions made in the school.
- Our PSHE curriculum is based around questions and challenges children to make decisions and vote through class discussions.
- Year 6 residential to London ensures that every child has the opporutnity to viist the capital city and learn more about the Houses of Parliament
- Regular assemblies focus on news of the week and British Value themes to give children opportunity to understand democracy and laws in Great Britain.
- Assemblies focus on the importance of democracy how it has changed and developed.
The Rule of Law
- Children follow a clear PSHE programme which includes a Crucial Crew programme, links with our PCSO and community
- Our Behaviour Policy focuses on children making decisions for themselves and understanding why respect is at the core of our beliefs
- Assemblies focus on the law through Safety Awareness, visitors to the school e.g police and fire services, an understanding of how law originated
- Children are taught sessions which focus on the expectations of citizens in society and how the law is to protect us.
Individual Liberty
- School aims and ethos are simple and embedded.
- Children have many key roles and responsibilities which include play leaders, librarians, office angels, personal assistants, lunch team and friendship buddies.
- Children are actively encouraged to make choices and take responsibility for themselves in a safe and supportive environment.
- Our curriculum clubs provide children with the freedom to make choices with information to access in their local community.
Acceptance of Different Beliefs and Faiths
- Religious Education is taught through a broad and balanced curriculum focused on a range of faiths, religions and cultures.
- We celebrate different nationalities in our school using different resources to promote learning in culturally diverse society.
- We ensure that children have opportuntiy to learn about different place of worship.
Mutual Respect
- Our Behaviour Policy and PSHE curriculum is focused on respect for all.
- Sports Activities promote fairness and equalities.
- Our Pitch Assembly focuses on pride and values, sharing with others across school what we have achieved collectively and as individuals
Celebrating team work, resilience, pride and achievement - Singing in a choir
Our school choir are very proud to be part of a team across school who sing together, learn songs and perform to different audiences. Their commitment to singing is reflected in their attitudes and enthusiasm in their weekly sessions with Rainbow Connections. We are also part of the Rose Learning Trust choir with representatives from every sch
ool as part of the choir, with places given following an audition process. When you visit our school please ask about our choir and you may be lucky enough to hear them perform!
There is a real sense of pride and accomplishment with both choirs.
Children say ' I love singing in the choir, it makes me happy and we get to perform to other people', 'The choir is fun and we get to visit other schools when we practice our songs', 'I like singing with other children across school'.
Listen to the clip to hear us sing!